Reduce the chase for documentation and get your HME orders out the door quickly.

Conduit Health allows HME providers to capture a wider and deeper base of referrals, bringing structure to the fragmented process of delivering consumable supplies to long-term care patients.

Marketplace site snippets

Key Features

Rules Engine

E-Prescription and clinical rules engine for clean orders out of the gate

Customized Catalog

Maintain direct relationships with your favored referral sources

Personal Communication

Direct recipient and loved one communication to keep everyone in the loop

Medical Records

Automated medical record pulling to grab additional clinical information


Directly connected to industry leading billing systems

Automated Re-supply

No-touch handling of monthly orders and script refills

How It Works



Build a customized store front for your referrals to send clean orders to you, and only you



Create compliant orders from your fax, phone and resupply orders



Help your patients get critical HME by enabling on-demand appointments with doctors experienced in chronic care management

Start Taking Clean Orders Today

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